

“The deeper sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain.”

Introducing our baby girl, 6lb of pure love, our Valentine’s baby. She is named after her maternal great aunt, Lily Reimann, who moved to India and married a maharaja. Her middle name, Anaïs, means “grace” in French so both sides of her heritage are covered. She made quite a dramatic entrance as the cord was wrapped twice around her neck. Needless to say we are so grateful that she is finally here, safe and sound.

It is hard to describe how much each smile and funny expression lights me up inside. Every cry and sleepless night is transformed by an overwhelming sense of gratitude. Getting a few hours sleep simply gives life a softer edge and feels like a gloriously weird party for 3. The future seems soft and gentle with my two loves, entirely separate but somehow made bigger by one another. Everything about Lily feels like a gift, as if she was chosen for us by her brother. She has the same ears as Oliver, his nose, the shape of his eyes and like no-one else in the family – the lightest of blue eyes. I love the way she sees the world through those innocent eyes, wide with curiosity. She has brought awe and wonder back into our lives in bucket loads so that everything now feels a little bit more magical.

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